Winning Donations For Your Cause

1. Every studio that comes to The Power of Dance is asked to designate a charity or cause that they would like to support. For every group number and duo/trio entered, $10 will be donated to your charity.

2. Every first place Overall winner wins an extra $10 for your cause.

3. $10 of the $30 Title Entry Fee, for EVERY Title entry, goes to your cause.

4. We also hold a POSTER CONTEST at each event. Make a poster, banner or display about your cause, and the winner gets and extra $100 for their charity. This is a great way to get the kids in the spirit of things, and we've seen some amazingly creative displays. We usually name more than one poster winner during the weekend. Venues often do not want us to tape the posters to their walls, so please try to use firm foam board or something that may lean on a wall if possible. You may also make a display that stands up by itself, of course.

5. Studios may choose ANY charitable organization, cause, or person or family in need as the beneficiary of any donations they win at The Power of Dance. The more the kids care about and understand their organization, the better. But -- since the purpose of our event is to help others through our art, organizations whose purpose is to support a dance studio or dance company are not eligible, even though they may have been granted non-profit status. We want the kids helping OTHERS, not themselves. Kind of the whole point.